Wednesday, 25 July 2018

25 Jul 2018: Old Welwyn

At 25ºC it was the hottest evening of the year; supporting evidence came from the first appearance of Mike’s bare legs which simultaneously & disappointingly scotched the rumours of embarrassing tattoos (doubtless spread by riders jealous of his current lead in the MERA competition.) We headed north, through Marshalswick and Woodcock Hill. Touching briefly Coopers Green Lane we turned left along the narrow lane through the idyllic shade of Symondshyde Wood where it occurred to all of us that this was the ideal location for a new Garden Village if only the Enemies of Progress could be overcome. The drought had caused some leaves to fall already, partially covering the abandoned mattresses, sofas and fridges, giving an almost autumnal ambience. Turning towards Coleman Green we picked up Graham swelling our number to double figures; such is his dedication to office work he had been unable to make the start at 7:30. Continuing north through Wheathampstead and Kimpton we turned east along Kimpton Bottom, through Nup End, Codicote and thence to Welwyn. 

At the White Horse the inside of the pub was deserted but the garden, whose existence had been doubted by Phil, was packed; nonetheless we found a free table.  Unfortunately we didn't take a photo of the packed garden, but you can use your imagination! Conversation topics included how Roger was fitted for his new bike by a masseuse, arousing intense interest from other riders, and how the bravado displayed after a few beers some weeks ago for riding the Dunwich Dynamo the coming weekend had now evaporated in the heat of the summer.  We did 19 miles to the pub and about a 12 mile trek home for most of us.
Steve 27th July 2019